Digitales-Minden ARDUINO,C/C++ RoboCar-UT001 – Auf dem Weg zum Staubsaug-/Rasenmäh-Roboter

RoboCar-UT001 – Auf dem Weg zum Staubsaug-/Rasenmäh-Roboter

RoboCar-UT001 – Auf dem Weg zum Staubsaug-/Rasenmäh-Roboter post thumbnail image

Die Komponenten für den Prototypen:

  • China RoboCar Chassis inkl. DC Getriebemotoren 5V mit Encoderrad und 4x AA Batteriefach
  • UltraschallSensor HC-SR04
  • L298N Dual Motor Controller Module 2A
  • Arduino UNO
  • ProtoShield for Arduino UNO
  • 2x Gabellichtschranken
Chassis mit Aufbau
Motoren mit Encoderrad und Batteriehalter 4x AA (6V)


Schaltung für die Gabellichtschranken (blau – GND / orange – +5V / schwarz – GRD / Signal I/O – Dig.PIN 2 und 3)  


Was später geändert wird:
  • Der Arduino wird gegen einen ArduinoMicro getauscht
  • Das Batteriefach gegen einen größeren Akku bzw. eine PowerBank
  • Es kommen weitere Kontakt-/Abstandssensoren

Wenn sichergestellt ist, das die Basis so funktioniert wie sie soll, wir das Projekt auf eine entsprechende Mechanik übertragen.

Der Code für den Arduino bis jetzt:



// PINs for UltraSonic#define pingPin 10
#define inPin 8

// PINs for Motor 1 DIR#define wheel_R_f 6
#define wheel_R_b 7

// PINs for Motor 2 DIR
#define wheel_L_f 12
#define wheel_L_b 13

// PINs for Motor 1 Enable/Speed (PWM)#define wheel_R_En 5
// PINs for Motor 2 Enable/Speed (PWM)
#define wheel_L_En 11

// Motorspeedint mspeed = 150;

// Turning circleint turnAround = 100;

// Current directionint currentDir = 0;

// Encoder#define Encoder_R 2
int EncoderCount_R = 0;
#define Encoder_L 3
int EncoderCount_L = 0;

// Setup Serial, Encoder- and MototrPINsvoid setup() {

pinMode(wheel_R_f, OUTPUT);
pinMode(wheel_R_b, OUTPUT);
pinMode(wheel_L_f, OUTPUT);
pinMode(wheel_L_b, OUTPUT);
pinMode(wheel_R_En, OUTPUT);
pinMode(wheel_L_En, OUTPUT);

// Setup EncoderpinMode(Encoder_R,INPUT);
attachInterrupt(0, isr_Encoder_R, CHANGE);
attachInterrupt(1, isr_Encoder_L, CHANGE);
//All Motors STOPmstop();

// Robo goes forwardgoforward();

void loop()

// establish variables for duration of the ping,
// and the distance result in centimeters:
long duration, cm;

// The PING))) is triggered by a HIGH pulse of 2 or more microseconds.
// Give a short LOW pulse beforehand to ensure a clean HIGH pulse:pinMode(pingPin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(pingPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(pingPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(pingPin, LOW);

// The same pin is used to read the signal from the PING))): a HIGH
// pulse whose duration is the time (in microseconds) from the sending
// of the ping to the reception of its echo off of an object.
pinMode(inPin, INPUT);
duration = pulseIn(inPin, HIGH);

// convert the time into cmcm = microsecondsToCentimeters(duration);

// *******************************************************************************
// If the Ultrasonic Sensor detect an object whith a disstance smaler then 15cm,
// stop than go backward for 150ms, turn around 180°, stop, than go forward againif (cm < 15)
  //  delay(2500);

// Automatically synchronize the speed of the wheelsif (EncoderCount_L < EncoderCount_R)
  analogWrite(wheel_R_En, mspeed-20);
  analogWrite(wheel_L_En, mspeed+20);

if (EncoderCount_R < EncoderCount_L)
  analogWrite(wheel_R_En, mspeed+20);
  analogWrite(wheel_L_En, mspeed-20);

// *******************************************************************************
long microsecondsToCentimeters(long microseconds)

// The speed of sound is 340 m/s or 29 microseconds per centimeter.
// The ping travels out and back, so to find the distance of the
// object we take half of the distance travelled.
return microseconds / 29 / 2;

// Function: All Motors STOPvoid mstop ()
  digitalWrite(wheel_R_b, LOW);
  digitalWrite(wheel_L_b, LOW);
  digitalWrite(wheel_R_f, LOW);
  digitalWrite(wheel_L_f, LOW);
  analogWrite(wheel_R_En, 0);
  analogWrite(wheel_L_En, 0);

currentDir = 0;



// Function: All Motors go forwardvoid goforward ()
  digitalWrite(wheel_R_f, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(wheel_L_f, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(wheel_R_b, LOW);
  digitalWrite(wheel_L_b, LOW);

currentDir = 1;

  for (int ispeed = 100; ispeed <= mspeed; ispeed=ispeed+2)
    analogWrite(wheel_R_En, ispeed);
    analogWrite(wheel_L_En, ispeed);

// Function: All Motors go backwardvoid gobackward ()
  digitalWrite(wheel_R_f, LOW);
  digitalWrite(wheel_L_f, LOW);
  digitalWrite(wheel_R_b, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(wheel_L_b, HIGH);

currentDir = 2;
  for (int ispeed = 100; ispeed <= mspeed; ispeed=ispeed+2)
    analogWrite(wheel_R_En, ispeed);
    analogWrite(wheel_L_En, ispeed);


// Function: Go in a backward-circle to the leftvoid gobackwardCL ()
  digitalWrite(wheel_R_f, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(wheel_L_f, LOW);
  digitalWrite(wheel_R_b, LOW);
  digitalWrite(wheel_L_b, HIGH);

currentDir = 3;

  for (int ispeed = 100; ispeed <= mspeed; ispeed=ispeed+2)
    analogWrite(wheel_R_En, ispeed);
    analogWrite(wheel_L_En, ispeed);

  if (EncoderCount_R >= turnAround)
    analogWrite(wheel_R_En, 0);

  if (EncoderCount_L >= turnAround)
    analogWrite(wheel_L_En, 0);

} while (EncoderCount_R < turnAround && EncoderCount_L < turnAround);


// Function: Go in a backward-circle to the rightvoid gobackwardCR ()
  digitalWrite(wheel_R_f, LOW);
  digitalWrite(wheel_L_f, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(wheel_R_b, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(wheel_L_b, LOW);

currentDir = 4;

  for (int ispeed = 100; ispeed <= mspeed; ispeed=ispeed+2)
    analogWrite(wheel_R_En, ispeed);
    analogWrite(wheel_L_En, ispeed);

  if (EncoderCount_R >= turnAround)
    analogWrite(wheel_R_En, 0);

  if (EncoderCount_L >= turnAround)
    analogWrite(wheel_L_En, 0);
} while (EncoderCount_R < turnAround && EncoderCount_L < turnAround);

// Reset the EncoderCounts (left and right)void CountReset()
  EncoderCount_L = 0;
  EncoderCount_R = 0;

// ISR – Encoder rightvoid isr_Encoder_R ()

// ISR – Encoder leftvoid isr_Encoder_L ()


Vielen Dank für den Code der den Ultraschallsensor belebt geht an:

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